Supisara Burapachaisri is  



2021–2023Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design in Experimental Publishing (XPUB) at the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy — Rotterdam, The Netherlands

20122016Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication Design at Parsons School of Design, The New School — New York, NY, USA


2023ADVICE WELL TAKEN with Dasha Ilina for IMPAKT Festival 2023 - Don’t Be Evil Exhibition at IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture] — Utrecht, The Netherlands
2023(Cross) Making: Cross-training as a method for learning through making by graphic designers master’s research at the Piet Zwart Institute — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2023Street Vendor-Publisher with Chaeyoung Kim for Not Just a Fair at Platform P-OST — Arnhem, The Netherlands
2022The XPUB Takeaway collective publication and public moment with XPUB2 at Het Bollenpandje — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2022This Box Found You for a Reason collective publication and launch with XPUB1 at Page Not Found — The Hague, The Netherlands
2022Radio Implicancies: Methods To Practice Interdependencies collective publication with XPUB1 — Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2022Sound Scrub with Social Species at Printed Matter New York Art Book Fair — New York, NY, USA
2021Learning How to Walk While Catwalking collective publication and launch with XPUB1 at Varia — Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2015Currents: Translations 3 collective publication for Currents: Translations course at Parsons School of Design — New York, NY, USA
Performances, Artist talks, Workshops

2023Zine Making Workshop co-hosted with Zeyou Niu at The Hangout 070 — The Hague, The Netherlands
2023Making Things Bubblic Radio with XPUB2 for Radio WORM — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2023Expanded Radio RE#SISTER with Ål Nik and Mits*Chaid*Michelak** for Radio WORM — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2022Screaming Minerals performance with NØ SCHOOL 2022, Ioana Vreme Moser, and Lucile Olympe Haute at NØ RETURN FESTIVAL — Nevers, France
2022“Ghost Files” guest lecture for Summer School 2022 with Jian Haake at Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design — Kiel, Germany
2022“Software Misuse” artist talk for NØ TALK at NØ SCHOOL 2022 — Nevers, France
2022unPublic: X-unPub” performance and residency with XPUB1, Harold Schellinx (Har$), and Mr. Lili at La Générale — Paris, France
Exhibitions, Group shows, Book fairs

2024“Software Misuse” for ‘Blurring the Lines’ exhibition at Künstlerhaus Lauenburg und Stadtgalerie Künstlerhaus Lauenburg – Lauenburg, Germany
2024Bring Your Own Book fair with the Blob Shop Collective at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie — Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2023 Making Things Bubblic: Blob Shop with XPUB2 at Willem de Kooning Academy — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2023Making Things Bubblic: Graduation Show with XPUB2 at Slash Gallery — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2022Geen Rotterdam Atelier Weekend [GRAW] at Ateliergebouw Oranjeboom — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2022“Something With Nevers” with David Miller and Weronika Gajda for NØ RETURN FESTIVAL — Nevers, France
2022“Mixed Feelings” with School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe at Acud Macht Neu — Berlin, Germany
2019“Lens Noise Test” video screening for HIJACK! at Sheen Center — New York, NY, USA
©2024 Supisara Burapachaisri